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Committed to disrupting and eradicating the chronic social, mental, economic, and educational barriers for young men of color.
Who Are We?
We are a group of concerned community leaders committed to the empowerment and success of young men of color residing in the City of Cincinnati. We see them struggling to survive in an environment filled with inherent hindrances and inequalities that severely hamper their growth. Our goal is to do away with these hindrances and inequalities and allow them to prosper in a healthy environment.

In February 2014, President Barack Obama established the My Brother’s Keeper (MBK) Initiative at the federal level. The initiative was an interagency effort focused on addressing and eliminating the opportunity gaps faced by boys and young men of color so that all young people have the chance to reach their full potential.
Today, the work continues as the MBK Alliance.

GETTING A HEALTHY START & ENTERING SCHOOL READY TO LEARNClose the Word Gap and Support Enriching Home Environments Implement Universal Early Health and Developmental Screenings Ensure Access to High-Quality Early Care and Education Invest in a High-Quality Workforce of Early Childhood Teachers Eliminate Suspensions and Expulsions in Early Learning Settings
READING AT GRADE LEVEL BY 3RD GRADEPromote Family-School-Community Partnerships to Support Joint Book Reading and In-Home Literacy Bring Successful Evidence-Based Practices to Scale
KEEPING KIDS ON TRACK & GIVING THEM SECOND CHANCESReduce Violence in High-Risk Communities by Integrating Public Health Approaches Reform the Juvenile and Criminal Justice Systems to Keep Youth and Young Adults on Track Encourage Law Enforcement and Neighborhoods to Work Together Eliminate Unnecessary Barriers to Reentry and Encourage Fair Chance Hiring Options Address Possibility of Disproportionate Minority Contact Improve Data
COMPLETING POST SECONDARY EDUCATION OR TRAININGImprove College Advising Services and Support Tools Aim Higher in High School by Encouraging FAFSA Completion and Post-Secondary Applications Expand Access to Early College, Dual Enrollment, Advanced Placement / International Baccalaureate Courses, and Rigorous College Prep Increase Development and Adoption of Promising and Proven College Completion and Transfer Strategies Support Young People To and Through College
GRADUATING FROM HIGH SCHOOL READY FOR COLLEGE & CAREERIncrease Student Attendance and Reduce Dropouts – Especially Among the Most Vulnerable, such as Foster and Homeless Youth Create the Conditions for High-Quality Education for All Accelerate Efforts to Transform High Schools with the Lowest Graduation Rates Promote the Use of Alternatives to Exclusionary Discipline Practices Increase Access to and Success in Rigorous Coursework
SUCCESSFULLY ENTERING THE WORKFORCEImplement Broad Growth and Opportunity Agenda Increase Entry-Level Job, Mentorship, Job Training, and Apprenticeship Options Help Grow and Improve Summer Jobs Initiatives
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